Sunday, July 5, 2009

What's happening today?

I'm not sure but it seems to be a different kind of day. Bryan is 21 today but he hasn't changed much from yesterday. How come that? Had dinner and cake yesterday just because. I'm proud of him and I do love him. We often upset each other with our personal views (why he can't see everything my way is a mystery to me) Is this what happens when you teach your children to think for themselves? Hell - then they do and just get you upset. What price is paid not to raise clones. Oh well, you have to answer for yourself so you might as well think for yourself. That my friends is a lesson some people never learn. I mean never!

Had a very expensive cigar this morning in honor of the recently passed on. Some with grace and at least one pediophile who went straight to hell. ( just couldn't help that comment) Billy Mays the greatest pitch man in history. No real talent but the sheer joy of selling ouzzzzing out of every pore. Funny what will stick in your mind. Ed McMann, Farrrah, Carl Malden with grace and dignity. I don't know if I'll go with grace (whever she might be) but with dignity I hope. A little humor wouldn't be bad either.

I think I've discovered a little something about dying I don't think most of you know or would even believe. You see' if you read the bible and believe what is written you discover that it was correct the first time. I've read it as translated from the orgignal language it was written in. Not what someone says it says but what it really says. Christ never really set up any religions. He was and is and remained a Jew. His teachings were in context of the Jewish faith. It was to be the way of God (what He taught) that had been twisted by religious men. Set straight, by Him and by the approval and the direction of His Father. Now; God is real; Christ is real; the Holy Spirit is real. But - when you die you die. Your spitit may go somewhere but dosen't know anything. The dead sleep- they know nothing at all. We remain that way until the reserrection. Now you can dispute this but take some time and ponder. I'm looking forward to the rest.
Christs teachings and the scriptures have been and are continuing to be corrupted all the time. Just listen to the preachers in every faith. Christ is really the only good shepard. Not men. Don't follow men blindly. You have to answer for yourself remember. Don't fool yourself into beliving that they have your well being in their hearts. They have your control in their hearts, your money and your duty to them, but you? Not so much.

Pay me no mind. Just me and my thoughts. Thoughts that apply to me alone. I've got enought to deal with and I sure don't want to lead anyone else.

Paid my bills this morning. How's that for donating money to crooks. Oh, I guess I did use their goods and services first didn't I?

Raining today. Renewed. It's soft outside. Cooler. Eases the heat of the mind. The world is good for now. I'm trying to clean up my little corner of it. Trying to learn the lesson about how to always be at peace. It can be done. I can do nothing about anyone else only myself. Soooooooooo why let anyone elses pain from whatever reason affect you? Or me for that matter?? Who you hurting? Love your mom; love your dad; brother , sister, family, neighbour, take your pick. Life is really much to short.

I may be becoming strange. I find myself agreeing less with systems , and experts and petty reasons for any numberr of things. I find myself careing more about justice, people and quiet times. I've cut back on trying to please others and am being kind to them and myself and in some cases making others happier just by a new approach. They don't owe me and I don't owe them. Things just are better.

If I could get my thoughts in line I may have another book. Let me just say that I understand. Maybe you do to



Jennifer said...

I love the way you write. I really do.
Bryan's not old enough to be 21, and yet it seems he should have reached that age years ago. Crazy how time flies for me, but everyone else is expected to stay just the same.
Looking forward to the rest myself, and I could definitely use some time away from a few people...apparently 1/2 the country's distance isn't quite enough space.

Bryan said...

Dad, that was almost poetic! i'm not sure I've ever read you quite like this. Maybe I am a little different...

Anonymous said...

Michael beautiful! You MUST find time to write that book.
