Saturday, May 23, 2009

Jennifer's friend, Lore, got me thinking about what I might like for by birthday. (I remember my 40th) A few years past that I'm afraid.

If you can bring yourselfs to it I would like a .338 Lapoua by Barrett (only $5,000-small price to pay to start the revolution with) New truck - yes ! Girlfriend might be nice. (one with slightly supressed violence - revolution remember) Oh well; Nice card and love will be good also. I've been an old soul all my life but seem to be getting younger the older I get. HUH? The problem with that is deciding if I'm developing senile tendencies or evolving into what I should have been all along. Better late than never. (hope that dosen't upset the creation crowd - evolving and all)

Time and an open mind imparts the skill which helps one see through all the garbage that surrounds us all day long. Youth is often a time of real soft mind; the brain latches on to all kinds of junk that sounds good but truly has no substance. On top of which it is anti humanity. We are meant to excell and overcome while helping other to do the same. It dosen't matter how long it takes to get there just as long as you do. Get there that is. We have guides such as faith, laws, but the first rule should be, as it is the medical profession, first do no harm. Then you can go ahead.

Isn't it strange how we take offence when none is intended? Ask yourself why? Should huh? We all do it. Then we dismiss another's position. Make us feel superior then we deny that we are superior and then pretend that we are above all that kind of behavior. We all do it! I'm trying to do it less. If I can do that and lose 40 pounds I'll be better than ever. Maybe better than everyone else. There I go again - being subhuman once more. Long haul folks!

Have you ever noticed how people rally just before they pass away? My thinking at work is very sharp. Better than in years. If this will last just seven more years then I won't have to think about anesthesia any more. Unless I'm being anesthetised. Then I pray that person was trained by someone smarter than me. No arrogance intended (I do make mistakes) but I'm pretty damm smart. I also know who's smarter. Got to be some kind of wisdom in that.

MICHAEL THE WISE! oops - human again - sorry but it just slips out

If push comes to shove I could always go back to being catholic and become a priest. Might be good at that. Forgiving sin and all. Being feared by one and all cuz of being so close to GOD. Instant respect that is conferred by those sort of positions. It would take a while for anyone to figure out it was a priest starting the revolution with his birthday gift given to him by his children.

Have a nice day!


Melissa said...

All I want for my birthday is a pedicure. By the time my b-day comes around I won't be able to see my feet--but at least I'll know my toes look nice!

Jennifer said...

Oh my gosh, I love it! I really enjoy your posts, and this one may just be my favorite - all of it. I'll start saving for your'll take me a few years but you'll get it eventually! The revolution can't start for a couple more years anyways.

Unknown said...

You really should write more. And you are superhuman!!