Monday, November 3, 2008

monday morning randommmmmm; randommmmmmmmmmmmmmm

ok so it's really monday afternoon. I was supposed to being going to take a trip but we 're not going so I got two weeks off and while there's lots to do I'm going to be lazy.

went to arkeydelphia sat. for Eli's performance during halftime and sat with joseph, andrea , jimmy and his oldest. the game was really quite good. at least in the last two min. color guard was great. I was proud. (like a father should, would and always will be) my my but time flies and all my grils get better looking as time passes.

going out to dinner tonight - nov. 3 and all - time really does fly

I'm glad all my children (soap opera) are well. all except the democrat amoungst us. needs orienting but otherwise seems to be a good guy. I'm afraid we will soon be living in an extream (?) socialist state. may be time to move to a less extream (?) socialist country. anyway, all those who have been more than happy to share all that you have will now be in control and will for sure share all that you have or will ever have. maybe we should all stop filing our tax returns. stop paying our health insurance premiums. stop producing anything at all so that we can share in the wealth that will be produced after we are no longer producing.

sorry bout the soap box. just longing for the days when we had the illusion of freedom. even that may be taken away.

all that my father served for.(and in the end died for.) all that my mother served for. and all that all those who served in any way, served for, may well be lost. say what you will about it or about my views. watch!

now on the bright side. no one has yet told me I can't have a cigar; so that is whaty I'm going to do.

I miss all of you and look forward to being together at various times in the next few weeks.

yes Jennifer I'm still going to pay your plain ticket here. no she didn't ask just thought I'd remind her.




Jennifer said...

I love you Daddy :)
For what it's worth, my voice will be heard tomorrow. I live in a red state anyways but I don't think there's ever been a more important election. The country's going down the toilet no matter what we do...least we can hope for is that it goes a little more slowly.

A Hale said...

i agree...not that i know all about everything but i do know about the election. and nobody is a good pick to be the next president.