Saturday, February 23, 2008


If you remembere what whitesnake is -was- then you should know what the title really is. will this count as progress? Two times on a blog; OH MY!!!

this is a call weekend for me so I'm not in a great mood. I hope everyone is doing well. with evesryone's life progressing so fast it gets harder to keep track. My worst fears have come true. time passes and children grow up and they grow up up and away. I miss you but please don't think I want all of you to move back home. just visit often.

little miss amanda is considering the miss lakeside contest. beauty queen? heaven help us all.

love you


Anonymous said...

ditto...on them NOT all moving home again...I've heard about "empty nest syndrome"...I would like to HAVE that experience someday. Yes...visit OFTEN...and then go home..LOL..Seriously..we love you all...Mums

Melissa said...

Jennifer and I helped out with the first ever Miss Lakeside Pageant. If memory serves (it probably doesn't) we did sound and lighting. Why not have another Hale involved in it in a completely different way?

Jennifer said...

Don't worry...I'm not progressing anywhere. I might be far far away, but rest assured that NOTHING in my life is changing any time soon.

I think Amanda should go for it. I've always thought she was georgeous.

BTW, congrats on your 2nd post! I look forward to reading more!!

Unknown said...

Oh I forgot to tell you...I'm moving back home. I mean, you have that empty bedroom and all. I know you're dying to have a kid come home and fill it! I will be the one! Yay!

Anonymous said...

ok honey...your site is really sexy with the black and all but I would love to READ something...???? and so would the kids...get with it. I love you...